Protect Our Children

Proud Member of the Cancer Free Economy Network (CFE)

Isha Cares proudly supports the Childhood Cancer Prevention Initiative, a collaborative effort focused on reducing the incidence of childhood cancers by addressing environmental risk factors. The initiative emphasizes cross-sector strategies, including partnerships with scientists, businesses, policymakers, and advocates, to tackle toxic chemical exposures linked to childhood cancer. By pushing for safer alternatives and stronger regulations, we are committed to creating healthier environments for children and promoting research, education, and innovation aimed at preventing cancer before it starts​

Isha Cares is proud to be a member of the Cancer Free Economy Network (CFE), a collaborative movement dedicated to reducing cancer rates by eliminating toxic chemicals from our environment. As part of this network, we work alongside organizations committed to preventing cancer by addressing environmental and occupational exposures that increase cancer risk.

Isha Cares is proud to have signed the Protect America’s Children from Toxic Pesticides Act (PACTPA), joining a nationwide effort to protect children and families from the harmful effects of toxic pesticides.

Supporting the Protect America’s Children from Toxic Pesticides Act (PACTPA)

By signing the PACTPA, we stand alongside advocates, organizations, and lawmakers committed to reducing toxic exposures and promoting safer alternatives in agriculture and consumer products.

Let’s protect America’s kids from toxic pesticides together! Urge your Representatives in the US House to co-sponsor and support the passage of the Protect America’s Children from Toxic Pesticides Act.

Did you know that toxic chemicals like PFAS and harmful pesticides are found in everyday products and environments where our children spend their time? These toxins are linked to serious health issues such as cancer, thyroid disease, and immune system problems.

“Children are the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future.”

– John F. Kennedy